Student Store
Student Store Hours:
Monday through Thursday 7:30 am to 8:00 pm
Friday 7:30 am to 3:00 pm
AFOC Parking:
1755 S. Grand Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90015
Entrance is from the right lane on Grand Ave.
- 1 ticket for $2.00
- 20 tickets for $36.00
- No Checks accepted Except for registration fees
- No refunds on books, supplies or parking tickets
Refund Policy
Course fee refunds and drop fees
Upon request, a student may be issued a refund when he or she drops the class before the first day of attendance
or within seven (7) calendar days following the first day of possible attendance.
However, a $20.00 drop fee will be assessed on a per course basic, except when an administrator has closed the class during the initial enrollment period. Refunds are mailed or pick-up within 5 working days.
We need the blue and pink registration copies to process the refund.
Barbering and Cosmetology
Open from 9:30 am to 2:00 pm